Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feb. 26, '09 Six weeks later

Well it's been six weeks since I stood over the hospital bed in Richland, Washington praying that God would spare Krissy's life; seeing her there with tubes in almost every opening in her face and the steady sound of the breathing machine that kept the oxygen inflating her lungs, I really didn't know if she would ever be able to look at me again, let alone say "Hi daddy". I realize now that there were thousands of prayers going up from all over the world, nonstop for hours, days and weeks and that our "Dad" heard ALL of them and answered them as well.

Last Saturday, Gwen and I went to see Kris at home where she is resting and recovering very well. She sat on the couch, blanket over her lap and slowly eating lunch. She has to eat with her left hand because of the splint on her right hand and thumb - she did quite well being right- handed. She got up and walked to the bathroom and around in the room without any problem or difficulty. She still has the neck brace on which will have to stay on for another several weeks. I didn't realize that she had two of her vertebrae fused. She has been going to physical therapy three days a week and seems to be regaining her mobility quite well. She is able to speak very clearly and able to carry on a normal conversation which was questionable on her arrival and admission at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland some weeks ago.

Clearly, God has plans for Kris and all the family after this "accident" and I pray that we will take this opportunity to walk it out in the future.

I mentioned before in a previous blog that I want to be more deliberate in expressing my love for my family; saying words like, "I love you", "Have a good day" or "drive careful", words with real meaning and devotion. I realize more than ever now that we don't know if we'll have another opportunity to express our love and care for those we love. Many of us didn't know that the next time we saw Kris she would be hooked up to machines and unable to talk back to us, look at us or even squeeze our hand. I didn't like learning this lesson the way I did but if that's the way God wanted to teach me; teach us all, then so beit for His love to abound more and more.

There will be more trips, visits and phone calls; more than how we've let "time" influence all of those. That's something for all of us to think about when we get "to busy", "have other things to do" or whatever real excuse we can come up with.

I Corinthians 13:13 says, "But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

Show love to someone today.

Dad, Dennis

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb. 17th, '09 Miracle Working Power; Proof

To "The world"
I called and talked to Krissy last night - yes, I talked to her personally- and I'm thrilled to say that she was 100% alert and approptiate in our conversation and it was as though "nothing" had happened. It was obvious that she was aware of "the accident" but we did not talk about it. We talked about her pain and mostly about her therapy that she is now doing three times a week. Her speech therapy was definately successful as she carried on a normal conversation without difficulty or "thought" hesitation or confusion and she was able to answer my questions appropriately. She said that she's working on arm and hand movements that were compromised by the fractures and injuries and that she's doing ok with that however she is still having some back pain. She also said that she still coughs up "gunk" from her lungs and still has some old drainage from her facial injuries. She is required to wear a neck brace all the time but apparently has no effects from the neck fractures ie: lack of movement in her arms or legs etc.
That was about the extent of our conversation because I didn't want to overdo the time on the phone and keep her from resting although we did discuss when would be a good time for Tonya and me to go over to see her; she will be getting the pin taken out of her thumb on Wednesday and another procedure on Thursday so we may not go over until Saturday.
We talked for about fifteen minutes.
So how cool is that?
"GREAT" and "AMAZING" are two of many, many other words that I could have used to describe Krissy's recovery but as I thought about it, I asked myself, did I think a little like this is a normal recovery process-that everything was happening just as it should- everyone was doing just what they were supposed to do and were expected to do? Did I minimize the Miracle part of this recovery process?
In my heart, in fact, I did.
You see, I've had over 15 years of medical, EMT and fireman experience, seeing these kinds of "accidents" and even fatal illnesses everyday. I've witnessed death of the young and old; teamed up with other firemen to extract vehicle accident victims and have preformed life saving procedures hundreds of times. Hundreds of times we were successful in saving lives; others, absolutely everything we did, and could do, was not enough to extend the life of someone.
In my humility, I think back now and remember many times when we would say, "this guy is not going to make it" or "we've done everything we could for her". Then we'd get a "progress report" from a medical facility that our patient was doing just fine and recovering very well. Then I remember thinking, "that's a miracle" and feeling the "pride" of being a part of that persons life. I think that was (puffed-up) pride that I had at times and it is not acceptable to God and it grinds in my heart and convicts me when I think about it. I (we) did everything I (we) could to save a life. Believe me, there were times I felt like "we" were the "miracle workers". How Lame. How Prideful. (Maybe God allowed this accident to happen to Kris to teach me about my pride.)

After hearing of Krissy's accident and her prognosis, OH GOD did I want a miracle; OH PLEASE GOD, NOW! Keep my Krissy alive!
Now, I know in my heart that there IS a miracle working God and He loves us so much.

Why does God allow these things to happen to His Kids? I don't know. But what I do know is that He loves us so much that He "gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (NIV) What I do know, is that he knows and feels everything that I (we) went through with Krissy's accident and near death, but it goes even deeper than that because his Son really died.
I'm at a total loss of words right now. I guess I'm overwhelmed by the reality and truth of what I just wrote. (or was it really "Daddy"?) This definately has been a Life Changing experience for me, personally.

Krissy, I love you.
From Dad, Dennis

(I need to do some "house cleaning"; I didn't realize that somewhere along the line I lost a week and dated my last couple of blogs a week later, sorry.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Feb. 17 '09 Now for the therapy

I read back over the blog I posted yesterday and realized that I didn't mention anything about my phone conversation with Pat and later with Clint about what's happening with Kris. I'm thankful that I can still keep in contact with Pat and Greg and especially during times like these. Pat has been an excellent mediator and "go between" person in passing on information about Kris's condition for the rest of us that have not been able to be as close to her. Pat has that relationship with Clint that allowes her to be that mediator, so I say, Thanks Pat. (that "go between" sounds a little funny but I don't know of another way to put it, LOL)

When I talked to Pat yesterday she said that according to Clint, Kris was "doing great", getting around even though still a little "confused" at times. Still getting used to her surroundings in her recovery, she asked to "go to her job site" so Clint apparently took her out the other day. '

I talked to Clint and he said that Kris was starting therapy yesterday and depending on what the therapist recommended, he would decide when Kris could have visitors; no "overnighters" but "short" visits at home. I wish I could give more information from our phone conversation but for now that's about as much as I could get.

Oh how obvious the miracles, but oh so hard for me (some of us in the family) to comprehend having not seen Kris since the first day after the accident. Just listening to someone else say that someone else said that the doctors or nurses reported "this" or "that" has been so frustrating but for now I have to accept that this is the way the situation is playing out. That will not stop me from truely knowing in my heart that God has, and will continue to keep the miracles coming her way. He knows everyone and everything in "this accident scene" and has a plan and purpose for this whole thing. Keep believing with me.

Dad, Dennis

Monday, February 9, 2009

Feb. 16,'09 God still does Miracles

One month and two days ago I got the call that Kris was involved in a horrible vehicle accident on her way to work. The reports began to come in and they were not good. My Krissy was alive but, would she remain or would we lose her? Then the great news, we heard and could see for ourselves, she "would live", but then, how "well" would she live? Then more reports would come, not good; "she will never walk again and possibly never talk again" rang out loud, and our hearts dropped, hopeless and torn to shreds. Knowing that God was still IN all of this, we prayed harder and asked more fervently for miracles, big miracles. I have to admit, there were times that I didn't KNOW if God would perform miracles in my Krissy's life. Though I talked about it, did I really BELIEVE he could?

Though third or fourth hand at times, the reports came in with more excitement and hope; life was returning, "medicine and machines" were disappearing, sight, sound and movement were more real. KRISSY IS COMING BACK!

So why wouldn't she?
Why, my fear of losing Kris?
Why wonder if she would return to "normal"? Why did I question any of her recovery, her living? Why were there times I didn't believe in and pray harder for miracles? That's what everyone wanted.
Why; because I remember, I'm human.
All to often we humans forget at times like this that there is a God that CAN, and loves to DO miracles for his kids. It was hard, very hard but now I KNOW more than ever that he DID perform miracles in Kris and he DID hear my prayers. Although humiliating, I now admit my lack of faith and belief, but I know from here on my faith will continue to grow stronger and I will believe more in his Miracle Power and I will share our testimony of this Power. I will continue to give him the glory because of the miracles that he's performed in Krissy.
Having gone through this to this point, I want to remember that "... my thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways..., says the Lord"; that the things I want, I might not get; the way I want things to go, may not happen that way and the things I pray (ask) for, I may not get. I want to remember that everything I have, belongs to him (including Kris) and that I should be more and more thankful everyday for the things I have. Another thing I want to remember for my life is what someone once said: "I can't; He can, so I'll let him." That too, is hard to say and do, but the truth, and that saying also pertains to Miracles

It's not pleasant, but sometimes we have to go through something like this for us to believe in, or remind us of God's miracle working power.

Please take some time to think about our story and think about where you are with all of this. What is your relationship like with this Miracle Worker? Take the time to get to KNOW him, or get reacquainted with him before something like this "accident" happens to you or someone you love.

Speaking of miracles and not fully knowing how this "blog" stuff works and "who" reads them, I guess I believe that it will take a miricle for this blog to reach someone that really needs it. That is one of the reasons I started it. I'll be waiting to hear while I prepare more thoughts.

God Bless
Dad, Dennis

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb. 4,2009; Home at last

and then try to pass it on to everyone in a timely manner.
(ok, I just realized that I "posted" the first part of this last night without realizing it, I was going to finish it this morning, LOL) Learn somethin' new everyday.
Thursday, Feb. 5, '09
I am aware too that there was information that didn't get out to everyone for some reason or another and we appologize for that. I believe that Tonya chose not to make anymore comments due to a misundestanding and criticism that arose during the first week of Kris's hospitalization in Richland but I hope she will resume again soon. With all the emotions everyone went through the first few days and so many people waiting to hear, it took its toll on Tonya's emotions as well. I am so proud of her for taking the initiative from her heart to keep everyone informed of Kris's condition, both family and friends. It was not an easy task while trying to keep her own emotions under control when she had the opportunity to go in and see her own sister, motionless and unresponsive.
I might add that Tonya chose to delay starting back to work so she could be available to help out in anyway she could during her sisters recovery if needed. That shows me how much she loves Krissy and would go "the extra mile" for her. I know that the bond that these two sisters have had over the last thirty seven years will grow so much more closer and stronger in the years to come and I am so honored to be their dad.

As time progresses with Kris's recovery I don't know how much information I will be able to pass on, however I will do the best I can in a timely manner. I know you are all waiting to hear.

As I mentioned early on, I know that there is a reason that this "accident" was allowed to happen but I'm not sure at this point what that is. God has a way of doing things like that and then, later, sometimes MUCH later, revealing what it is He's teaching us. I pray that even from the "get go" we all will give Him the Praise and Glory, for He IS WORTHY.
I, for one, am definately listening (more closely) for what it is that He has for me and my family to share with "the world" and I want to commit to that either through my blog or in person. I want to be by Kris's side when she tells her story to "the world".

Once again, thank you all for your prayers and support during this difficult time. I would love to hear from you or your comments. I am aware that this has reached many of our "long lost friends and family" and we'd love to see you again.

God Bless,
Dad, Dennis

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan. 30th. Update

I'm really at a jumbled up frame of mind as I sit here trying to gather my emotions and thoughts so I can put into words, "on paper" so to speak, what my world is like right now; my world with my first born laying in a hospital bed in pain, confused, frustrated and not able to figure out that "the world" she is in right now is not normal. I guess I'm assuming, maybe incorrectly, that she's "thinking" it's not normal. In reality, who knows what she's thinking, who knows what she knows or doesn't know.

I'm making these statements based on a conversation that I had this morning with Kris's mother, Pat, who was able to see Kris recently.

An assessment of what Pat shared with me is that Kris has been opening her eyes, moving and speaking very short sentenances and is able to eat when fed. It is evident to Pat that Kris has suffered trauma to her brain and that has affected her responses and delayed her recognition of who people are, where she is, date and time, etc. At times she responded appropriately and immediately and other times she was obviously confused. Pat didn't say anything about reports of the condition and status of Kris's spinal injury however she did say that Kris did pull out her catheter, (ooww) so that will give you an idea of her ability to move, and so on a humorus ending note, Thank You Lord for that.

Saturday morning - I was expecting a call last night from Pat or Tonya on Kris's condition - didn't come in; that's ok. This morning as I read back over what I wrote yesterday, I seem to have more of a clear thought process and a new set of emotions and I know that that is just what Jeremiah meant when he said in Lamentations 3:19 -23, "I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. 20, I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. 21, Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: 22, Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23, They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Did he write that just for Kris? or me? How did he know - know that Kris was suffering, that my soul was downcast? Whatever the "affliction" was that Jeremiah was talking about, it fits for me, and Kris. But, the bottom line for me is that God's compassion is NEW for me, and Kris this morning, compassion of healing, confusion, frustration and so on; my jumbled emotions.

And so, we begin a new day, untouched by the fear, anxiety, emotional trauma and anger of the "accident" and why it happened and what will happen; pressing on to new challenges, goals and relationships. We're sorry that Kris has to be the one to suffer the physical part of all of this but WE will all join in on the emotional, mental and spiritual truth from here on.

God Bless you all
Dad, Dennis

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Time to catch up, Jan. 29,'09

It's been almost three days now since there's been an update on Kris's condition and I know that you all have been concerned and wondering how she's doing and what her progress is at this point. I hope that you all will understand that this has been a very difficult and frustrating time and the information has not been released as prompt as we would have liked.

I talked to Clint in person on Monday, Jan. 26, '09 and he said that "they" were not allowing any visitors in to see Kris because she was very weak and needed the rest. He said that "she ate lunch". I asked if she had had two strokes as was reported earlier and he said no. That was all the information that I was able to get at that time concerning her medical condition. I did, however, talk to the chaplin who was able to see Kris and talk to Clint. She reported that Kris was able to open her eyes. I certainly wish that there was more information I could pass on to all of you but we will all have to wait, some more. We are so thankful that there are so many of our family and friends that are committed to Kris, her family and her welfare. Words cannot express our gratitude for all of you and your concern for our Krissy.

Please continue to pray for Kris and her recovery and the mental and emotional needs of all the family.

God is SO faithful in His love, comfort and compassion and it is such a blessing to know that He will bring His plan and purpose to fruition.

God Bless all of you


Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Good Bye" message; Jan. 26, '09

The reports that have been received and sent out about Kris's condition and progress have come to us "second" or "third hand" so I pray that you will understand that we are passing on these reports as quickly and accurately as we can. Her mother and I and Tonya have not been allowed in to see her at this point and it has been extremely frustrating and difficult for us. Apparently that is due to her condition and Dr's orders.
Tonya reported to us that as of Sunday morning, Kris has been doing fairly well, breathing on her own and has apparently attempted to open her eyes. From the first reports of her condition upon arrival at Emanuel hospital, we can say that it is ONLY GOD that is allowing this progress to happen.

Wednesday night at our Life Group, my wife was praying this: "I anticipate the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God - I expect a mericle" and that is just what this has been. People have said, "I don't know how you have been able to cope with this as well as you have, how do you do it?". The answer has always been the same, we know and believe in a "Daddy" that has compassion and loves us SO much, He wouldn't do, or have it any other way. We don't necessarily like it this way but we also know that He has a plan and a purpose. He NEVER makes a mistake or makes a wrong decision and doesn't need to change His plan.

No, this is not a "Good Bye" message that you might expect to hear after such a tragic accident, an accident that could have, and almost did take our Krissy's life. Rather, I share this to be a Thought Provoking message, a message that "Dad" reminded me of during the night and a message that I don't want to forget, ever.
Think about it; did you tell your son or daughter "I love you" this morning before he or she (or both) left for school? Did you say a harsh, unkind word to your spouse before going to work?
You parted ways this morning, EXPECTING to be reunited, at home or somewhere, carrying on with life and preparing for the next day as usual. Right?
So did Clint, Emily, Kaylah and Isaac.
I talked to Kris about two weeks earlier (than the accident), expecting to call her again as usual; now I can't - can't because she won't ( I really mean, CAN'T) answer the phone.
OH HOW MY HEART ACHES right now; aches because of all the missed opportunities to express my love for my wife, my kids, my grandkids, brother and sisters. Oh how I wish I could go back, retrieve my words (or LACK of) or change the way I thought and felt; give a longer hug (yes, even kiss) before I walk away.

Why, Why, Why does it sometimes take something tragic and interrupting before we open our eyes, think, feel and behave the way "Daddy" wants us to? Where is our (my) daily focus?
I have to say, I'm at that soul searching moment.
Come on; you've been there. You know what I'm talking about. I'm not the only one that has done this. Be Real!
Say, "Good Bye, I love you."

Krissy, I want you to know that we so desparately wanted to see you, touch you and talk to you.

I love you

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jan. 23, 2009, "To Do List"; WHAT?

I got the report from Tonya this afternoon that they have scheduled another MRI and that the results will be in later this evening. Apparently they are still very concerned with the condition of Kris's spinal cord and brain status. They were able to determine that at some point she had two strokes on the left side of her brain which would account for the lack of movement on her right side. They also took some fluid from her lungs for lab testing in their continued search for the infection that is also attacking her body.
Tonya said that they reported that Kris had a better night last night and thinking, "What?" That sounds so weird. When I think of our Krissy laying in a hospital bed, unable to move, hear, talk or even cry out in pain, how can they say that she had a "better night". God, help me to understand that; and here again, I find myself fighting my thoughts and emotions.

I AM deeply thankful for the medical staff and the most sincere desire they have to treat Krissy to the best of their abilities. Clearly they are doing all they can, giving their hearts and fulfilling their committment to do the job they chose as their occupation.

So, now, where am I with all of this?
I walked outside this morning to take my wife, Gwen to work and we see "the hand of 'Dad' with a paint brush, painting another beatiful sunrise that's extending to the west with a stroke of light blue that flows clear out of sight. All I can say is, "Thank you Lord." and we drive on. THEN, it's like, "Here, here's your 'To Do List' for the day". (No,it's NOT a Honey Do List.) I contemplated it for a minute and it seemed so long and impossible to complete today.
Then I hear; "Here's Krissy's To DO List". I was instantly humbled; it was completely blank, nothing. Except at the very bottom in small words it said, "You just rest today, I will do it for you. Signed, "Daddy"
I've looked at my list, again, and I see that I have not done anything except to sit at my computer and "blog" all day, it's such a long list, impossible I don't know where to start - take out the trash, do the dishes, wash the car, clean the garage, the yard - on and on; I haven't done anything. Then I hear, "Yes you have."

You see, I stated earlier, that one of the reasons that I started this blog was because I felt that "Dad" was telling me that because He allowed Krissy's accident He wants to reach out, reach out again, and will continue to reach out to those who have walked away from Him, who no longer talk to Him, who have their own plan in life, who think they can make it on their own and who think they have "TIME" to come back to Him before their "TIME" is up.
So then I say, "So, why didn't YOU choose someone else for this job, this pain and this "To Do List"? "BECAUSE I CHOSE YOU! ; there are some that only YOU will be able to reach for ME through this accident, this blog. "
Now, I have no idea WHO will read this or where they will be in the world, or in their life - but "Daddy" does. I want to say that I have nothing to gain from this blog site, nor expect anything except for God to get ALL the Glory. I want Him to DO what HE wants to do. If this touches you and you want to make that change in your life that He wants you to, Go to HIM, not me.

I have some more things to do on my "list" before the end of today so I've got to get going; I have worked at completing the tasks given to me and I'm confident that my list will be signed off as, "Daddy"

God Bless
Dad (Dennis)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update to: From Dad

Jan. 22, 2009
As you read my new blog you will see that there are no Posts since jan. 14 the day of the accident however you can go to and get the information in between then and now.

I really began this blog because, first, I want to have some dialogue for Kris to read when she is able to; second, I feel that this will help me with my emotions and thoughts and third; I know that God has a plan and purpose for this accident (as we call it) and that there are literally thousands of thoughts and actions that ONLY GOD can do through this accident. Even at this point I have seen His hand in this and how it has touched thousands of people - family, friends, churches, co-workers - and ONLY GOD knows who else He will touch. With some of the things He's shared with me, I want to pass on to others because I know that there are many who have walked away from Him, who are going through the same thing, who have gotten angry with God, don't know what He's doing and who knows what else; and in some way, this may be the method that He wants to use to bring them back to Him, to give Him the Glory.

Along with all that, I know there are many who have contributed in some way to the family during this time and I want to share some of those that I see and deeply appreciate.

There are many scriptural and spiritual lessons that He has already given to me and my wife and family that I feel need to be passed on as well.

For now, thank you all for your prayers and support for Krissy and her family and friends.

Dad (Dennis)

The accident phone call

Jan. 14, 2009; approximately 10:30am

My cell phone rings; my sobbing daughter Tonya tries to clearly inform me that Kris has been in a serious vehicle accident at about 8:30am this morning. It sounds like she has crushed legs, face and head lacerations and who knows what all. They are taking her to Richland's Kadlec hospital.
Tonya says they are just going out the door to drive up there. As she talks, I scream, "NO, NO, GOD, NO." I'm crying, shaking and trying to hear. I hung up and called Gwen and told her I'm going. I call Ken to let him know and he says he'll be by to pick me up. Tonya calls again and asks how long it will take me to meet them. I woke up Bill and had him take me to Fishers Landing bus transit center to meet Pat, Tonya and Greg.

Traveling quietly, crying and waiting for the phone to ring from Clint with more information on the accident and how Kris's doing. Clint calls and reports that Kris has three broken bones in her neck, a large laceration on her head and possibly fractured left wrist. She is on a respirator for the time being and is only allowed brief visits.

We arrive at the hospital and see the tear filled eyes of Emily, Kailah and Isaac. At this point I don't remember who else is here.

Pat, Tonya and I go in to see Krissy; sobbing begins over her, almost unrecognizable, bruised face with tubes coming out of her mouth and nose and what seemed like hundreds of tubes in her arms. Arms wrapped in bandages and her hear with dried blood all on the right side of her head. The hair pulled back, I saw the metal staples from just in front of her right ear extending up to the top of her head and back into her hair on her neck. We sob more and say "I love you Sis" then leave the room.

Shortly Ken calls and we meet him down in the parking lot, Tina walking with him with tears in her eyes. We go up to see Krissy and the sobbing begins again. We go to the waiting room and join the others.