Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb. 4,2009; Home at last

and then try to pass it on to everyone in a timely manner.
(ok, I just realized that I "posted" the first part of this last night without realizing it, I was going to finish it this morning, LOL) Learn somethin' new everyday.
Thursday, Feb. 5, '09
I am aware too that there was information that didn't get out to everyone for some reason or another and we appologize for that. I believe that Tonya chose not to make anymore comments due to a misundestanding and criticism that arose during the first week of Kris's hospitalization in Richland but I hope she will resume again soon. With all the emotions everyone went through the first few days and so many people waiting to hear, it took its toll on Tonya's emotions as well. I am so proud of her for taking the initiative from her heart to keep everyone informed of Kris's condition, both family and friends. It was not an easy task while trying to keep her own emotions under control when she had the opportunity to go in and see her own sister, motionless and unresponsive.
I might add that Tonya chose to delay starting back to work so she could be available to help out in anyway she could during her sisters recovery if needed. That shows me how much she loves Krissy and would go "the extra mile" for her. I know that the bond that these two sisters have had over the last thirty seven years will grow so much more closer and stronger in the years to come and I am so honored to be their dad.

As time progresses with Kris's recovery I don't know how much information I will be able to pass on, however I will do the best I can in a timely manner. I know you are all waiting to hear.

As I mentioned early on, I know that there is a reason that this "accident" was allowed to happen but I'm not sure at this point what that is. God has a way of doing things like that and then, later, sometimes MUCH later, revealing what it is He's teaching us. I pray that even from the "get go" we all will give Him the Praise and Glory, for He IS WORTHY.
I, for one, am definately listening (more closely) for what it is that He has for me and my family to share with "the world" and I want to commit to that either through my blog or in person. I want to be by Kris's side when she tells her story to "the world".

Once again, thank you all for your prayers and support during this difficult time. I would love to hear from you or your comments. I am aware that this has reached many of our "long lost friends and family" and we'd love to see you again.

God Bless,
Dad, Dennis

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