Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb. 17th, '09 Miracle Working Power; Proof

To "The world"
I called and talked to Krissy last night - yes, I talked to her personally- and I'm thrilled to say that she was 100% alert and approptiate in our conversation and it was as though "nothing" had happened. It was obvious that she was aware of "the accident" but we did not talk about it. We talked about her pain and mostly about her therapy that she is now doing three times a week. Her speech therapy was definately successful as she carried on a normal conversation without difficulty or "thought" hesitation or confusion and she was able to answer my questions appropriately. She said that she's working on arm and hand movements that were compromised by the fractures and injuries and that she's doing ok with that however she is still having some back pain. She also said that she still coughs up "gunk" from her lungs and still has some old drainage from her facial injuries. She is required to wear a neck brace all the time but apparently has no effects from the neck fractures ie: lack of movement in her arms or legs etc.
That was about the extent of our conversation because I didn't want to overdo the time on the phone and keep her from resting although we did discuss when would be a good time for Tonya and me to go over to see her; she will be getting the pin taken out of her thumb on Wednesday and another procedure on Thursday so we may not go over until Saturday.
We talked for about fifteen minutes.
So how cool is that?
"GREAT" and "AMAZING" are two of many, many other words that I could have used to describe Krissy's recovery but as I thought about it, I asked myself, did I think a little like this is a normal recovery process-that everything was happening just as it should- everyone was doing just what they were supposed to do and were expected to do? Did I minimize the Miracle part of this recovery process?
In my heart, in fact, I did.
You see, I've had over 15 years of medical, EMT and fireman experience, seeing these kinds of "accidents" and even fatal illnesses everyday. I've witnessed death of the young and old; teamed up with other firemen to extract vehicle accident victims and have preformed life saving procedures hundreds of times. Hundreds of times we were successful in saving lives; others, absolutely everything we did, and could do, was not enough to extend the life of someone.
In my humility, I think back now and remember many times when we would say, "this guy is not going to make it" or "we've done everything we could for her". Then we'd get a "progress report" from a medical facility that our patient was doing just fine and recovering very well. Then I remember thinking, "that's a miracle" and feeling the "pride" of being a part of that persons life. I think that was (puffed-up) pride that I had at times and it is not acceptable to God and it grinds in my heart and convicts me when I think about it. I (we) did everything I (we) could to save a life. Believe me, there were times I felt like "we" were the "miracle workers". How Lame. How Prideful. (Maybe God allowed this accident to happen to Kris to teach me about my pride.)

After hearing of Krissy's accident and her prognosis, OH GOD did I want a miracle; OH PLEASE GOD, NOW! Keep my Krissy alive!
Now, I know in my heart that there IS a miracle working God and He loves us so much.

Why does God allow these things to happen to His Kids? I don't know. But what I do know is that He loves us so much that He "gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (NIV) What I do know, is that he knows and feels everything that I (we) went through with Krissy's accident and near death, but it goes even deeper than that because his Son really died.
I'm at a total loss of words right now. I guess I'm overwhelmed by the reality and truth of what I just wrote. (or was it really "Daddy"?) This definately has been a Life Changing experience for me, personally.

Krissy, I love you.
From Dad, Dennis

(I need to do some "house cleaning"; I didn't realize that somewhere along the line I lost a week and dated my last couple of blogs a week later, sorry.)


  1. Hello DD,
    We are so thrilled to here about this! Yes it is a miracle! I am just so relieved, I guess I am at a loss of words... I hope you and Tonya get to go see her soon, I know how much she misses her sister and can only imagine how much you miss your daughter! Love you, Sheryl

  2. Dennis,
    I have tried to be mature by asking you not to post medical information about Kris on this blog.I listened to the whole conversation that you had with Kris, and what you have posted on this blog about it is completely inaccurate as with most of the other information in this blog. She does not cough up "gunk", she does not have back pain, and she does not have drainage from her facial injuries. We all feel that it has been very disrespectful for you to post this incorrect information without mine, or the kid's consent. We only want what is best for our mom and we feel that she would be extremely upset. She is doing amazing as you mentioned in the second part of your latest blog and it needs to be kept at that. If you do not have enough respect for your daughter to post correct information about her condition please do not post anything at all. This is not meant to be rude, we just care and love Kris with our entire hearts and we know that this is not what she would want. We are glad that you are finally showing that you care about her well being, so please do it correctly. Thank you.
