Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Good Bye" message; Jan. 26, '09

The reports that have been received and sent out about Kris's condition and progress have come to us "second" or "third hand" so I pray that you will understand that we are passing on these reports as quickly and accurately as we can. Her mother and I and Tonya have not been allowed in to see her at this point and it has been extremely frustrating and difficult for us. Apparently that is due to her condition and Dr's orders.
Tonya reported to us that as of Sunday morning, Kris has been doing fairly well, breathing on her own and has apparently attempted to open her eyes. From the first reports of her condition upon arrival at Emanuel hospital, we can say that it is ONLY GOD that is allowing this progress to happen.

Wednesday night at our Life Group, my wife was praying this: "I anticipate the inevitable, supernatural, intervention of God - I expect a mericle" and that is just what this has been. People have said, "I don't know how you have been able to cope with this as well as you have, how do you do it?". The answer has always been the same, we know and believe in a "Daddy" that has compassion and loves us SO much, He wouldn't do, or have it any other way. We don't necessarily like it this way but we also know that He has a plan and a purpose. He NEVER makes a mistake or makes a wrong decision and doesn't need to change His plan.

No, this is not a "Good Bye" message that you might expect to hear after such a tragic accident, an accident that could have, and almost did take our Krissy's life. Rather, I share this to be a Thought Provoking message, a message that "Dad" reminded me of during the night and a message that I don't want to forget, ever.
Think about it; did you tell your son or daughter "I love you" this morning before he or she (or both) left for school? Did you say a harsh, unkind word to your spouse before going to work?
You parted ways this morning, EXPECTING to be reunited, at home or somewhere, carrying on with life and preparing for the next day as usual. Right?
So did Clint, Emily, Kaylah and Isaac.
I talked to Kris about two weeks earlier (than the accident), expecting to call her again as usual; now I can't - can't because she won't ( I really mean, CAN'T) answer the phone.
OH HOW MY HEART ACHES right now; aches because of all the missed opportunities to express my love for my wife, my kids, my grandkids, brother and sisters. Oh how I wish I could go back, retrieve my words (or LACK of) or change the way I thought and felt; give a longer hug (yes, even kiss) before I walk away.

Why, Why, Why does it sometimes take something tragic and interrupting before we open our eyes, think, feel and behave the way "Daddy" wants us to? Where is our (my) daily focus?
I have to say, I'm at that soul searching moment.
Come on; you've been there. You know what I'm talking about. I'm not the only one that has done this. Be Real!
Say, "Good Bye, I love you."

Krissy, I want you to know that we so desparately wanted to see you, touch you and talk to you.

I love you


  1. It truly saddens me that it takes something like this for people to see how precious time is! I almost always end my phone conversations with: "bye, I love you!". Sometimes it creates an awkward situation, like when I said it to my new boss...very embarrassing! I hate it when people respond by just saying, "yeah, bye" or "okay, bye!".
    I hope that people will read this and take it to heart. Take the time to say I love you!
    By-the-way, Uncle, I LOVE YOU!! I pray that God will bless you and the family in a mighty way!

  2. Daddy Dennis...
    I LOVE YOU! Remember when Kris Tonya Barb and I used to sing in front of the church... Do you remember any of the songs we sang! I can. My fathers eyes was one of them, and also Lay down the burden of your heart... I cant remember if that is the name of it or not... but I can still hear us singing together!
    If you can find the time, my email is
    love you sheryl
